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White Touch Series


[qode_banner vertical_alignment=”top” image=”348″ link=”#”]

Black Touch Series


[qode_banner vertical_alignment=”top” image=”349″ link=”#”]

Soft Push Series



MADE IN INDIA (आत्मनिर्भर भारत)

With the vision of self Reliance Iswift products are manufactured under made in India scheme all Iswift products are manufactured locally from raw spares, software to finished products.
Iswift touch and soft push switches are designed and crafted to compliment the modern lifestyle and assures its customer’s world-class quality.
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[qode_horizontal_timeline position=”bottom”][qode_horizontal_timeline_item timeline_label=”2012″ timeline_date=”14/08/1996″ content_image=”330″]

Our Journey

2012 R&D started for iot based devices.
2014 developed our first prototype.
2015 developed our first smart switch.
2015 started production of smart switches.
2018 started assembly of smart sensors.
2020 started expansion of sales of smart products on Pan India level.

[/qode_horizontal_timeline_item][qode_horizontal_timeline_item timeline_label=”2014″ timeline_date=”21/02/1997″ content_image=”321″]

Development Of First Prototype

it is the most wonderful feeling when an idea gets shaped into a prototype. at 2014th secureIndia developed its first prototype after an intense R&D.

[/qode_horizontal_timeline_item][qode_horizontal_timeline_item timeline_label=”2015″ timeline_date=”03/02/1998″ content_image=”320″]

Production Started for Smart Switches

Any innovation becomes significantly important. when it becomes available for society at large in 2015th iswift started production of IoT based smart switches with advanced features.

[/qode_horizontal_timeline_item][qode_horizontal_timeline_item timeline_label=”2018″ timeline_date=”09/06/2000″ content_image=”331″]

Ventured into Smart Sensor

As advance technology play an important role In conserving our energy resources with the use of different sensors. We can achieve up to 30% saving in our existing energy usage with this motivation, Iswift ventured into assemble of various IOT and NON IOT based sensors.

[/qode_horizontal_timeline_item][qode_horizontal_timeline_item timeline_label=”2020″ timeline_date=”15/01/2003″ content_image=”463″]

Iswift Smart Devices Available in Pan India

To compliment houses with boon of technology and advanced features to provide more convenience , comfort and new ways to operate smart devices. Iswift has made its products available in Pan India level. through its authorities dealerships.

[/qode_horizontal_timeline_item][qode_horizontal_timeline_item timeline_label=”2005″ timeline_date=”30/04/2005″ content_image=”330″]

Editorial Watch

Autem convenire id ius, tamquam debitis in vel, liber cotidieque sea ne. Sit tractatos adipiscing ex. Id vel choro interpretaris. Ei usu perpetua patrioque, sea ea legere vocent numquam. Nibh augue nobis et ius. Ea vel tollit alienum, delicata periculis eam ea.


Area Of Application

[image_with_text_over icon_size=”fa-lg” image=”366″ image_shader_color=”rgba(0,0,0,0.15)”]Schedule your device and save in your electric consumption[/image_with_text_over]
[image_with_text_over icon_size=”fa-lg” image=”367″ image_shader_color=”rgba(0,0,0,0.15)”]Get a customized solution for better performance[/image_with_text_over]
[image_with_text_over icon_size=”fa-lg” image=”368″ image_shader_color=”rgba(0,0,0,0.15)”]Now no worries while leave for meetings when you can control your office with your smartphone[/image_with_text_over]
[image_with_text_over icon_size=”fa-lg” image=”369″ image_shader_color=”rgba(0,0,0,0.15)”]Transform Your Space to A Smarter Space.[/image_with_text_over]
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Find our Store

50th Main Rd, North Extension,
Velachery, Chennai, Tamil Nadu (600092)
Phone number: 4427113655
Email Address: sales@iswift.co.in

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